Monday, December 10, 2012Many of our customers ask, "Where are my discounts on my auto insurance?" Well, if you are like many of us, the last thing you want to do is pay higher premiums for auto insurance than you need to. So, here are a few discounts that you might be eligible for and when you can get them. READ MORE >>
Saturday, December 8, 2012If you watch the news or follow the Weather Channel we are hearing predictions every day about the inevitable snow storm. The odds of having an auto accident while there is ice and snow on the roads is considerably higher than with dry roads. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 7, 2012At Anderson Insurance Brokers we offer a wide array of Commercial Insurance Coverages for our clients in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Chicago, Lombard, Carol Stream, Bllomingdale, Oakbrook, Hinsdale, and all other towns in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin. Some coverage that we have bound in the past week are: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Don’t Get “Burned Out” This Holiday Season! One out of three major losses caused by fire HARTFORD, Conn. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 3, 2012Winter driving tips As the temperature drops, consider some of these tips to help you stay safe and minimize the potential hazards posed by cold weather, winter storms and icy roads. Tips for winter drivers Winter is a beautiful and also potentially dangerous time of the year. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 1, 2012Quote your own auto insurance at your convenience! Need a quote at midnight. You got it,! Sunday afternoon. You got it,! New Years Eve night. You got it,! READ MORE >>
Monday, September 17, 2012Check it out! We now have on-line rating for auto and home insurance through! You can do your quote from anywhere and anytime. Choose from A rated carriers like Progressive Insurance, AAA Insurance, Travelers Insurance, Infinity Insurance and more! READ MORE >>
Friday, September 7, 2012We have some exciting news! We all know Flo the Progressive girl! Well, we now have the ability to bundle your home insurance with Progressive and give you a discount! Progressive is an A+ rated company and the 4th Largest carrier in the United States. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 5, 2012We are all excellent drivers and pay our auto insurance on time and diligently. However, accidents do happen! Many clients do not think about "what do I do when I have a claim." Here are some basic helpful hints to keep in mind on how to report a claim and what to do. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 31, 2012To all of our clients, friend and family: Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day weekend!! Labor Day weekend hours: Friday August 31st: 8:30 am til 7:00 pm READ MORE >>
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