Anderson Insurance Blog: car insurance chicago
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Monday, April 8, 2013Just a friendly reminder to our insurers, fans and followers! if you have not gotten your taxes done, the last day to file is Monday, April 15th. So go visit your accountant and get those done! A great way to use the extra money is for your insurance, and we can help you with any of your insurance needs here at Anderson Insurance Brokers. READ MORE >>
Saturday, March 30, 2013Being that is it Easter weekend we want to wish out customer a Happy Easter to our clientele. Also it marks the beginning of family gatherings and griling season approaching. With this special events will be happening and if you need insurance for special gathering for one day we have acoverage for that. READ MORE >>
Saturday, March 23, 2013Thinking of bundling your auto and homeowners? Auto and Renters? Yeah, you can save money that way and you know you're covering your home and auto. The advantages are that you're covering your home with auto at the same time, of course different coverages. You will not have to worry about when each policy expires or payment-wise. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 21, 20131. Report the loss as soon as possible. Give a full description of the damage. 2. Take photos of everything! Make reasonable temporary repairs if necessary. 3. Keep a detailed and accurate record of the repair costs. 4. Seek a detailed estimate for permanent repairs from a reliable contractor. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 19, 2013People who rent are not aware most of the time what is renters insurance? In an event of a house burning or total loss most people without renters insurance have no compensation at all. Don't let this happen to you for you work hard to buy yourself nice things. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 7, 2013Having to buy car insurance is disliked by many because of the costs that are attached to it however, here in Illinois it is a law that every car must be insured. The good thing is that there are ways to get lower car insurance rates. One of the best ways to lower costs on car insurance is to put all of the vehicles in one household on the same policy. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 24, 2012Taxis, Limos, Messengers, Package Delivery, Medicars, Buses. We want them! We have excellent "A rated" markets for all types of Commercial autos policies. Call us for a free quote! We are open Monday through Friday 8:30 am until 7:00 pm. READ MORE >>
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